What we ARE…
A Non-Profit California Corporation (501(c)(4))
Who we ARE…
Active stakeholders and community leaders for local agriculture, business and community issues – combining expertise of our members
Individuals, organizations and associations approved by its Board of Directors
An advocate for important issues, including land use and water issues, which affect members of the agriculture and business communities and the general population of El Dorado County
What we DO…
Monitor community, government, public & agency activity affecting El Dorado County
Take public positions on issues, including ballot measures and regulatory issues
Develop programs for better communication & education of our members & public
Exchange information
Educate supervisors, city council members, commissioners, agencies, departments, organizations and legislators on the effects of their actions on our communities
Provide expertise on issues covered by our members
(i.e., agriculture, business and real estate statistics, private industry statistics, real world experience and background)
Give opinions to agencies, departments, organizations and legislators, on how pending regulations, rules and laws will affect our membership and our communities
What we are NOT…
A replacement for member organization’s efforts
A spokesperson for individual organization’s issues
What we canNOT do…
Give funds for political purposes (except for ballot measures)
Endorse political candidates
Mailing Address
3450 Palmer Drive, Suite 4-144, Cameron Park, CA 9568